Since the dawn of time, olive oil is a beauty recipe for women. It is a priceless concentrate of treasures for the skin of the face and body, as well as for the hair. Olive oil can be used alone or mixed with other active ingredients, also natural, to nourish the skin.

It naturally moisturizes the skin

Moisturizing and soothing, olive oil protects the skin from external aggressions such as pollution and sun. It soothes irritation and reduces redness. Moisturizing and restorative, it also acts on wrinkles and dry skin. Emollient, it also regulates acne skin. Instead of using products that contain multiple chemical ingredients, consider cleaning your facial skin with olive oil. Yes, she is also cleansing. By using it regularly, you will be surprised by the effects of this wonderful makeup remover.

It smooths the hair

The healthy fats and nutrients that olive oil contains are ideal for taking care of the beauty of the hair. It reduces the frizziness of the hair and gives a beautiful smooth hair.
Forget the gels and chemicals that do more harm than good to your hair and opt for olive oil, a healthy option that will help you reduce the look of your hair, regenerate and their give a unique shine.

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